Where can I buy watercress in the U.S.?

Watercress is available in America through SOLATACRESS

Available in Safeway supermarkets and Price Chopper stores in New York Metro Area and Maryland.  

Follow Solatacress on Instagram and Facebook for stunning recipes and updates from the farm.


Is watercress the same as land cress?

No - watercress and land cress are different. We have a helpful article on the differences between watercress and other similar plants!

How does watercress grow?

Watercress grows in water, with floating roots that absorb all the goodness in the mineral-rich spring water to create a delicious and nutritious plant.

What is the benefit of watercress?

Watercress has many benefits to your health as it is packed full of nutrition! Read more about the health benefits of watercress.

Is Watercress a superfood?

Yes, watercress could be considered the original superfood! Read our article on the nutrition found in watercress.