Watercress, chicory, blue cheese and bacon salad

Calories: 306  Cooking: 5 mins  Serves: 4


  • 4 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar

  • 1 tbsp chopped chives

  • Sea salt and black pepper

  • 1-2 heads of chicory

  • 2 x 85g bags of watercress

  • 100g Roquefort cheese

  • 6 rashers smoked bacon, diced and fried until crisp


Mix the first four ingredients together to make a dressing. Break up the chicory and mix with watercress and arrange on plates. Crumble the cheese over the salad, sprinkle bacon and spoon dressing over the top – or try using a small spoon to present the dish as shown. Serve with good chunks of bread.

Fat: 25g  Saturated Fat: 9g  Carbohydrate: 2g  Protein: 17g  Fibre: 1g  Salt: 3.42g