Chicken, Sweetcorn & Ginger Soup


80g Watercress, roughly chopped & big stalks removed

150g Leftover Roast Chicken, shredded

1 198g tin sweetcorn, drained

Thumb sized piece of ginger, thinly sliced or grated

1 clove garlic, thinly sliced or grated

600ml Chicken Stock

Lemongrass to serve



  1. In a large pot, bring the chicken stock to a boil. Add the ginger and garlic and allow to infuse for a few minutes before adding the roast chicken and sweetcorn.

  2. Allow this to cook for a few minutes more, then add half of the watercress and allow to wilt.

  3. Serve with the other half of the watercress raw, for extra crunch.

If you wanted to bulk this recipe out, you could add some noodles.

Photography by Lara Jane Thorpe